Queering and Neuroqueering IFS
What do I mean by this?
Queering is an active analytical practice that challenges binary thinking and fixed categories, not just in relation to gender and sexuality, but as a broader theoretical approach.
Neuroqeering is “the practice of queering (subverting, defying, disrupting, liberating oneself from) neuronormativity and heteronormativity simultaneously.” Nick Walker
Queering IFS
Is the process of critically engaging with IFS (Internal Family Systems) therapy to ensure its evolution to make sure non-standard identities are welcomed and catered for by the IFS Community.
Our poject
Jude Carn (She/They - Jude’s website here) and I presented at the October 2024 IFS Conference on “Neuroqueering IFS” to bring to the attention of the community how IFS can be adapted when working with people at the intersection of queerness and neurodivergence.
We realised that there is need for discussion on this topic to make sure IFS is ready and accessible to all those people who identify as either queer, neurodivergent, or both.
We are working actively to educate and produce content that is easily accessible. Here are some useful links
Neuroqueering IFS
IFS for ADHD recorded workshop
Queering IFS podcast
Episode 1 - Introducing Queering IFS - https://youtu.be/EgwEHja_B3g
Episode 2 - Neurodiversity is not Parts! - https://youtu.be/Bh7ooQjSB-U