The first chakra - our connection to Mother Earth and feminine energy
Inspired by the readings of Alberto Villoldo - “Shaman, Healer, Sage”
In this article I am going to describe my personal journey through the first chakra. I will use the terms “feminine” and “masculine” not because I want to give a binary view of the world, but because I want to refer to archetypes that all humanity understands.
We have two sources of energy: the Sun from above and the Earth from below. The first chakra represents our connection to Mother Earth, which sustains our life.
The Sun energy represents the masculine. The Earth energy represents the feminine.
I had a vision of a female jaguar smelling the scent of the wind while meditating on the first chakra. She is one of the two spirit animals that came to me. She knows how to be independent and how to grow her cubs. Mother Earth provides her with all the knowledge she needs. Her cubs receive enough to grow and become independent, while they fear her strength and disapproval.
Mother jaguar, like all animals, represents the three aspects of the feminine:
The innate ability to know what others need
The ability to provide what others need when they are not independent enough by providing for the food they are lacking (and can’t provide for themselves) and for protection (in case they cannot defend themselves)
The awareness of possessing the ultimate power to create and destroy
A balanced feminine energy knows and acts only when needed. Action is taken only in the interest of safety, survival and growth. There is no risk taking, there is no forcing. The feminine does not need to prove her strength because she is the one who creates and the one who destroys life forms.
At another level, the feminine represents the thread of life and death; the web of energies that connect energy forms, which might have a body or not. The other symbol of the feminine that came to me is the spider.
The spider sits patiently in the centre of a perfectly constructed web. Through the web threads, the spider knows all that is happening in proximity. The spider symbolises unity. All souls are connected to each other in a beautifully and perfectly designed web, that is the energy field, or quantum field. It teaches us that energetic threads exist and need to be navigated with agility and respect, otherwise the web is broken, and we need to patiently re-build it.
Relationships to our ancestry, past lives and other souls at an energetic level can be understood and balanced with the support of the famine energy bought by the spider.
While the spider represents the feminine energy of life through generations (a transcendental for of feminine energy), the jaguar represents the live power of the feminine energy embodied in a human body. We must remember that energy does not have a gender and the distinction between masculine and feminine is simply a way to help humans understand.